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Things To Bring On Your Hunt
1. Nonresident annual hunting license and nonresident deer permit.
2. Comfortable scent control, lightweight camo clothing for early archery hunts, and moderate to heavy clothing for Fall/Winter.
3. Rubber boots for early season and insulated boots for late fall/winter.
4. Pull up rope for tree stand/ bow or gun.
5. Bow hanger.
6. Ozone Scent Elimination Device.
7. Binoculars.
8. Range finder.
9. Flashlight.
10. Cooler for your harvest.
11. Game processing kit. All venison must be de boned (Your guide will assist). All skulls must be detached from the hide for transportation out of state. (We have a local Taxidermist available at a fee of $60.00)
12. Seat cushion for your stand.
13. Safety harness (All hunters must wear a safety harness while hunting from an elevated stand) All lock-on stands have lifelines; ladders do not.
14. An ink pen. (It is Kentucky law to have a pen on your person to record your confirmation number)
15. Scent-eliminating soap and spray.
16. Solid hunter orange vest and cap for gun hunts and while bow hunting during any gun season.
17. Rain Gear.
Premier Outfitters offers our guest spacious rooms but a room can become cluttered quickly with excessive luggage,gear bags and gear totes can make it impossible for two hunters to have a comfortable room environment. Please pack as lightly as possible, if you need to bring totes please be able to store them in your vehicle and not in your room. Thank you in advance.